Monday, March 23, 2020

Corona in Switzerland

Well, I guess we all have a little extra free time these days, so I thought I might as well give everyone something to read. I even had time to make a ring from wood!

At first, things were very neutral in Switzerland (naturally). They were one of the last countries in Central Europe to close all schools. Even later than Canada, which has significantly less infected people. Right now Switzerland has around 6500 positive cases, compared to Canada’s 1000.

For a long time, the Swiss government told the public to keep two meters distance from one another, and to wash our hands. As of yesterday, it’s actually a 100CHF fine if you fail to keep a 2m distance. I’m happy to see that people are taking this seriously, but it does make for a very strange atmosphere in the town. At the pharmacy, for example, everyone waits two meters apart from each other in line, and only 6 people are allowed in the pharmacy at once. Inside, there is a line for elderly or sick people, and then a second line for the young and healthy. Between the pharmacists and the customers is a sheet of plastic to prevent airborne infection. 

We receive all our schoolwork online now, and many classes are held via video conferencing. My attention span is really being put to the test, I must say, but I think I could get used to this school style. Once this is all over, I think they should start live streaming classes either way. Luckily for me, the whole week has been beautiful weather, so I’ve been spending lotssss of time outside.

I haven’t been able to see friends a lot, and actually many of my exchange friends are returning to their home countries. Some rotary districts are demanding that their students come home, and in other cases, the parents are asking their kids to return. I personally think this is very scheisse, and if anyone was wondering, I do not wish to come home at all. In fact, every time I receive an email from Rotary, which is often, due to the constant announcements from the government, my heart drops because I think “this is the email where they tell me to go home”. Then I read it, and I can settle down, but my mind is never truly at ease. 

I also have been thinking about the aftermath of this Corona-era. In Europe, it’s very common to greet with hugs and kisses, and now this has completely changed. I think to myself, when will we go back to normal? When will the public stop feeling skeptical? I suppose, when the Swiss government sends out a typical eerie message that the situation has been handled. I can’t find a link, but a monotone recording plays on the radios and TVs about a million times a day, telling everyone to stay at home and all that good stuff. It sounds seriously creepy. I’m starting to feel like I am living in a movie, or The Walking Dead.

 On the other hand, Mother Nature is thriving in our absence, I don’t know if you have all heard. Very beautiful things are happening around the world. I really hope we can all observe and learn from this, and start making some serious lifestyle changes so that our planet can continue to thrive. 

Here are some videos, to get an idea:

Oh! And this week all of Switzerland clapped for the nurses and doctors: 

Sunday, March 1, 2020

Busy Busy February has definitely been an eventful month for my exchange. I experienced a lot of great things with great people, which is what it's all about right?

Firstly, my month started with a professional Unihockey (floor hockey) match that I went to with my Rotary cousellor. I payed close attention to the goalie, because I'm hoping to go pro one day, of course.
I was too focused to think to take any better pictures of this match
I guess February was a sort of date month for my counselor and I, because a week later we went to a Hockey game in Bern, the capital of Switzerland. It reminded me a lot of OHL hockey, except these fans are much more dedicated; they chant, and wave their flags the whole game, AND do it all STANDING. Puts "GO TROOPS GO" to shame, sorry to say it. An entire side of the arena is actually reserved for standing room tickets, which I find very cool.
Then, after two long school weeks of school, came the ski holidays. I usually follow the rules, so I did what they said and went skiing for 5 days in Klosters with a school group. I never get tired of the mountains, and I don't think I ever will. Being able to spend 5 days up there was surreal. The skiing conditions were mostly good, except for one day when they actually closed all the lifts due to intense snowfall and wind... but again, a great adventure. We stayed in a hostel during our time there, which I find is always cozy and welcoming, it's also much more of  cultural experience. Anyone who knows me well knows that I can be a little... forgetful.. so naturally, I forgot my helmet and had to rent one for 5 days. Then I skied with sunglasses, and THEN came the tan lines. Worth it, I'd say.
Stopping myself from making any distracted skiing jokes
Views from the lunch spot
When my ski week came to an end, I came home and did some laundry so I could pack for the Rotary Winter Weekend. It was nice to reconnect with all my exchange friends, and meet the "newbies". "Newbies" are the new exchange students mostly from Australia/New Zealand, and a South America, who come in January. It's very interesting to see them go through the same things we did 6 months ago, I even had to laugh sometimes. We had a lot of free time to get to know each other, and a lot of time to bond during a nice game of Curling! I think I might take it up again in about 30 years, when it's more age appropriate. As of now you can't put me on ice with silly shoes and a broom and expect me to take it seriously.
Newest additions to the Canadian Curling team
But the fun didn't stop there, then came Carnival. I will post more videos and pictures on Facebook about this. This was truly an amazing experience. Just like Halloween, everyone gets dressed up to go to Carnival. There are so many interesting traditions regarding Carnival (Fastnacht, in German). There is always an opening ceremony on Schmutzigen Donnerstag (Dirty Thursday), when "Brother Fritschi" arrives on a boat from Lake Lucerne at 5.a.m. Then, he signals that the party starts. When Brother Fritschi arrives at the Fritschi Fountain, 5 million pieces of small paper, made from phone books, fall from the sky. Then comes Güdis-Montag (Belly Monday), which calls to fill your stomach on Monday and Tuesday, before the beginning of Lent and Ash Wednesday. Both of these days there is a parade with the most crazy floats, and marching bands playing traditional Guuggenmusik. There are often oranges and sweets given away, and sooooo many other little traditions that I am forgetting. But it's truly fascinating. Only the catholic Kantons (Provinces/States) really celebrate Fastnacht, and Lucerne is always the biggest celebration.
One of many amazing floats during the parade on Gudis-Montag
A traditional Carnival tree, displaying all the groups of marching bands.
All smiles for Fastnacht and non-alcoholic beer.
Then as things quieted down, I spent some time with friends. Made a trip to Ikea, bought a candle... you know, back to reality type stuff.
Cloudy day in Zurich today, but no time to miss the sun when you forget your phone in a tram and have to track it around the city, am I right?
So, safe to stay I'm still doing good. Now with the news that my parents are coming in April, I've been giving that quite some thought. By that I mean I'm creating the best road trip playlist ever. The rest is not so important. A wise man once said, go with the flow.